Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Today Javier Bardem has been nominated for the Oscar’s for his performance at “No country for old men”.

I haven't seen the film yet but I'm looking forward to seeing it. I enjoyed the film which gave him his last nomination for his performance of Reinaldo Arenas at the film "Antes de que anochezca".

Do you think that nomination will help somehow the Spanish film industry?

I like Spanish films "El cielo abierto", "You're the one" or "Sobreviviré" (Have you seen them?) but I can't either stand Almodovar's or Santiago Segura's films, they're too much for my nerves.
What kind of cinema are you keen on? Do you like Spanish films?

Urban legends

I was thinking about an uncanny story to tell you when I realized that we are usually bombed with SPAM in our mailbox explaining frightening stories or what we call urban legends.

I use to ignore them, but here it goes one that shocked me a few months ago.

Be careful when you drive at night, and please don’t warn a car with the headlights off. This is the starting shot for the initiation rite of the Latin gangs. The “applicant” must drive with the headlights off and his target will be the first car to warn him of driving blindly with flashing lights. Next step is turning around, pursuing that car and killing all the passengers. Only this way he will be accepted in his new family.

Perhaps you will think this is a piece of nonsense, but think about it next time you see a car driving with the headlights off, what will you do?