Monday, November 19, 2007

Spain's King to Chavez - Por qué no te callas!

I’m surprised because no one has written anything about that incident. I’ve seen the images until boredom and it was last week’s topic everywhere.

So, what do you think about King Juan Carlos I reaction during the Iberoamerican Meeting in Chile?

The first time I saw the video I couldn't believe it, the King totally ignored formalities and had a human reaction. This video provokes me contradictory thoughts, on one hand I can’t accept King’s reaction because he is representing a Country and He leveled Chavez; but on the other hand He exposed himself, some media had explained that before leaving the Hall he told the President Zapatero “You have to remain here, but I’m leaving to point out we protest”.

Hugo Chavez had a complete lack of manners, even more when he is at an International Meeting with the aim of solving problems by diplomacy and avoiding conflicts.

Resulting from that “confrontation” relations between Venezuela and Spain are damaged, both countries need each other, one for foreign inversions and the other for natural resources, now it’s time for Diplomacy to arrange the situation, at least they’re obliged to get on.


Fortunately I haven’t lived a war. When I was a child I used to think war was a thing of the past, something about what my grandmother explained me some stories of her escape from Santander to Teruel to avoid the bombardments during the Spanish Civil War.

But sadly war is a current matter.

Behind every war there is an ambition, almost always money is the excuse. Money has different appearances depending on the country, many times it is petrol, but it can be gas, diamonds or anything valuable. It can hide individual interests, like benefiting someone’s business (arm market for example).

Effects of war last for years and even decades (remember Hiroshima) and the most affected are the weakest, population who don’t benefit from their country richness because it is always in hands of a few.

From every point of view war is a human shame.

I’ve posted a video of Miguel Gila’s view of the war, just to play this topic down. I hope you enjoy it.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Are You a TV Series Fan?

Have you ever really enjoyed a TV Series? I never had
untill I discovered Friends.

Why do I like it so much? I think it's because of its different characters, I can't choose my favourite one, I like all of them.

I always laugh at its acute dialogues, and its incredible situations, even when I've seen the episode for more than 3 or 4 times.

Going back to the post question, I've just seen Phoebe's Blog, what a coincidence, ¿Don't you think so Phoebe? So I imagine Phoebe's favourite TV Series is "Friends", but what about you?? Please vote and we'll know what is our class favourite TV series! You have the poll on the right hand of the blog.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Kia Ora

Maybe you'll think ¿what a strange way to start a blog?

Kia Ora is a good wish, it means "be lucky", and also it is used to say "hello" and "goodbye".

The next question may be "why aotearoa", well, aotearoa means "the land of the long white cloud" in maori language, but we use to call it New Zealand.

New Zealand is my paradise on hearth, whenever I feel sad or worried I remember its landscapes, its pepole and it makes me feel better.

So I want to give you a little piece of this great land, I expect it makes you feel good also.

Kia Ora!