Monday, November 19, 2007

Spain's King to Chavez - Por qué no te callas!

I’m surprised because no one has written anything about that incident. I’ve seen the images until boredom and it was last week’s topic everywhere.

So, what do you think about King Juan Carlos I reaction during the Iberoamerican Meeting in Chile?

The first time I saw the video I couldn't believe it, the King totally ignored formalities and had a human reaction. This video provokes me contradictory thoughts, on one hand I can’t accept King’s reaction because he is representing a Country and He leveled Chavez; but on the other hand He exposed himself, some media had explained that before leaving the Hall he told the President Zapatero “You have to remain here, but I’m leaving to point out we protest”.

Hugo Chavez had a complete lack of manners, even more when he is at an International Meeting with the aim of solving problems by diplomacy and avoiding conflicts.

Resulting from that “confrontation” relations between Venezuela and Spain are damaged, both countries need each other, one for foreign inversions and the other for natural resources, now it’s time for Diplomacy to arrange the situation, at least they’re obliged to get on.


Il-kommentatore said...

Well, I don´t know if I must give my point of view, specially knowing what has happened with reporters from “El Jueves” (hey, that´s freedom!!!). Anyway, I think the king’s attitude (yes, with no capital letters) was disrespectful. The head of a country cannot act on an international meeting like a child on the street (“you shut up!!!”). Our king received two master lessons on that table. The first one was a protocol lesson by Zapatero who answered, from my point of view, perfectly to Mr. Chavez about his attack to Mr. Aznar. The second lesson was from Mr. Chavez to our King, who remembered him he had been elected six times democratically by his people, while our king was on power not because of a democratic election.

QUO VADIS said...

I agree with il-komentatore about Zapatero's behavour. I think he did a good reply to Chavez about Aznar in spite of he was his stronger "enemy". About King's wasn't polite, I know,but I found it funny. I think it's justified if we see Chavez's impertinence.

Nuria Vidal said...

Here are some comments to improve your text:

-Iberoamerican Meeting IN Chile?
- I saw the video I COULDN'T believe it,
-ON THE one hand I can’t accept THE King’s reaction because he is representing a Country and He leveled Chavez; but ON the other hand He exposed himself...
- ...Hall he told (0) THE President
-situation, at LEAST they’re obliged to get on.

Julio Cesar said...

Yes I'm agree with the king behaviuor.You know that there are some people that don't shut enless you make them shut.And this reaction of the King has made the King closer to the citizen's opinion.Chacez is always to criticate the "imperialistas"but he is as bad as tha others because he is trying to be in the power forever

Il-kommentatore said...

Hi everybody! С новым годом и Рождеством!
That means Happy New Year and Happy Christmas, yes, Christmas after New Year. In Russia, because of orthodox religion, Christmas day is on January 6th. Hey, that's another clue about my identity!!!. Il Kommentatore knows something about Russian (or knows someone who knows something about Russian).
I’ve been really busy during these last days and I've been disconnected from the blog activity so I haven't had the opportunity to wish you the best for the New Year. That's all by now.
Желаю вам счастья (I wish you happiness).

Il-kommentatore said...

Hey you! What’s happening with the blogs? I though this experience was about writing, because we need to improve our writing style, because we will have to demonstrate our writing level at the 5th level final exam. What do I have to do to encourage you??? Il-Kommentatore need posts to make comments. What are you waiting for? C’Mon.

Núria said...

I came to read you on a fresher topic but I find you still with the King and Chavez. It has been one of the videos of 2007! Not a Royal reaction at all. This probabley means we all have "red blood". Happy New Year!